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Secondary school admissions

Secondary school information for parents

Wirral’s online admission system can be accessed from . Applying online is quick and simple to do. You will receive an automatic email so that you know your application has been received by CYPD. On allocation day, online applicants will receive an email with their child’s allocated place. The deadline for online applications to be submitted is 31 October the year prior to starting in Year 7.

Applications for secondary school 2021 open on 1st September 2020 and must be submitted by the closing date of 31st October – this is the national deadline for applications.

Moving back the assessments to late October means that parents will not know whether their child has reached the academic standard required for admission before the 31st October closing date for applications.

Wirral Authority has therefore decided that for entry to secondary school in 2021, Wirral-resident parents will be allowed to give FIVE preferred schools on their application, rather than three. 

This means parents can give up to three selective schools on their application, AND give two non-selective preferred schools. It is recommended that you follow this advice – if your child does not reach the standard for entry to selective school(s), the grammar preference(s) will be withdrawn and the non-selective preferences will automatically move up to become your first and second preferences.

If you want to give a preference for a school outside Wirral, you will need to include this as one of your preferences. CYPD will tell other local authorities about parents’ preferences for schools in their area by the end of November. If you cannot apply online, you can complete the paper preference form provided by the local authority. The deadline for paper applications to be returned is 31 October 2020. If you do not apply online or return a paper preference form, it will be assumed that you do not have a particular preference. Your child will be given a place at the nearest school with a place.

11+ information for those children in Year 5. REGISTER before 31st May. Registration opens for Year 5 children on 1st May.

The 11 Plus (also called the 11+ or Eleven Plus) is an examination taken by some school pupils in their last year of primary school to get into a grammar school of their choice. In reality most children will only be 10 years old when they take the test – the term “11 Plus” refers to the fact that the test selects for schools with an entry point for children aged 11 or over.

The 11 plus in Wirral is administered by the Wirral Borough Council for:

  • Calday Grange Grammar School
  • West Kirby Grammar School
  • Wirral Grammar school for Girls
  • Wirral Grammar school for Boys.

The testing venue will be allocated by the Wirral Borough Council in the August prior to testing taking place in September. All parents who have requested testing of their child by the deadline date will be informed of the testing location by letter. 

Whereas, St. Anselm’s College and Upton Hall School administer their own tests.

Click on this link to apply for 11+ for your child before 31st May.

Wirral 11+ Assessment application page

If you require further information with regard to admissions to Seconday school or the 11+ please see the files below or visit Wirral Admissions website at the link at the top of this page.




Files to Download

Somerville Primary School Somerville Nursery School
23 Brentwood Street
CH44 4BB
0151 638 1567
Somerville Primary School Somerville Primary School
Northbrook Road
CH44 9AR
0151 638 5074

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